Monday, November 30, 2009

The Reading Slump

I've often gotten in cleaning slumps, but reading slumps are rare. I am however, currently deep in the grips of one. I have on my bedside table The Assassin by Rachel Butler (two chapters in, like it well enough, am not compelled to keep turning pages), Winter's Desire, an historical anthology, and Wrapped in Seduction, a contemporary anthology (skimmed both, started two stories in each, cannot commit), and Sliding Home by Kate Angell, the latest in the Richmond Rogues series (remains entirely unmolested, even though I'd been looking forward to it. Perhaps I should wait until spring training starts?)I don't know what the problem is. Well, I have my suspicions. One word -- sudoku. Yes, I have fallen prey to puzzle mania. As soon as I can break free I will review some or all of the above titles. Until then -- I am off to sharpen pencils....

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